Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Q Brothers (2018)

One Liner: The worst Kiddie Limits band
Wikipedia Genre: None, bad kiddie raps
Home: Chicago

Poster Position: 30
Day: Sunday at 2:30
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: Every freaking year.  These guys have something on C3 - like photos of the owners making out with Donald Trump or something.  There is no other way that this terrible kiddie rap garbage, with the most recent album released in 2006, would continue to be named as a band for the kids.  SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!

If you want to read all of my prior reviews of this dreck, please feel free.  I'm not going to link you to any songs.  "The Night We Met" is their top song on Spotify, with 3,355 streams in over 12 years, and it hurts.

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