Thursday, May 15, 2014


Wonderful stuff.  If these guys didn't listen to Coldplay every day for a year and then make a record with the sole intention of being picked for an ABC television show soundtrack, then nobody ever did.  I don't say that as a bad thing, it is really beautiful and well-crafted music, with that driving, crescendo-ing arena rock progression in just about every song.  You can just see an arena of crying Swiss people holding up their cell phone flashlights in unison and wailing the wordless wooooaaah woooooahh woooaaah chorus together.  All I Want is their monster hit:

Awesomely weird video with Kitty McOrc-face getting treated poorly by his officemates, then taking his best friend the doggie for a play in the park, then whipping some ass to save a mean girl while the music perfectly expands up into a frenzy.  Then, for whatever reason, they did a second video to the same song to show us what apparently happened next. 

Again, same song, but this time the Mr. McOrcface's dog gets locked out of the house and he's super sad and has to search all of London to find his little buddy.  And this time, when the music crescendos up to a frenzy, Orc-y McVoldemort-nose finds his dog and they have a huge embrace and I can almost guarantee that my friend Joseph is going to cry at this part 'cause the dog looks like Clancypants and Joseph is a big wuss.

That song has over ten million listens on Spotify - so I'm not the only one who thinks it is grand.  Second most popular song is called High Hopes (over 8 million listens):

The band is from Ireland, which makes complete sense.  I can just imagine them busking on the corner or taking over an L.A. rooftop to block traffic for miles while they jam out.  This video has Ser Davos Seaworth in it, which makes me like them even more.  Such a great song - this is why music was invented.

One more, Brand New Day:
Go listen to their full album (In a Perfect World) and enjoy.  If you don't enjoy, I don't know how to help you.  Good luck and Godspeed.


Jack said...

Update to the post, Joseph totally teared up when he watched the second All I Want video. Victory!

Joseph Cathey said...

Dammit, Jack is correct...I did. The better news is that "All I Want" is my favorite new song of 2014. Basically, Kodaline, after just one album, is already the band Coldplay wishes they were musically. Beautiful stuff from these Irish guys.